3,304 research outputs found

    A to Z of the Muon anomalous magnetic moment in the MSSM with Pati-Salam at the GUT scale

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    We analyse the low energy predictions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) arising from a GUT scale Pati-Salam gauge group further constrained by an A4 × Z5 family symmetry, resulting in four soft scalar masses at the GUT scale: one left-handed soft mass m0 and three right-handed soft masses m1, m2, m3, one for each generation. We demonstrate that this model, which was initially developed to describe the neutrino sector, can explain collider and non-collider measurements such as the dark matter relic density, the Higgs boson mass and, in particular, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g − 2)ÎŒ. Since about two decades, (g − 2)ÎŒ suffers a puzzling about 3σ excessoftheexperimentallymeasuredvalueoverthetheoreticalprediction,whichour model is able to fully resolve. As the consequence of this resolution, our model predicts specific regions of the parameter space with the specific properties including light smuons and neutralinos, which could also potentially explain di-lepton excesses observed by CMS and ATLAS

    Phosphorus - Why the concern about water quality?

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    This article concludes a series that provides producers with information to help with on-farm management of phosphorus (P) and in understanding the complex economic and environmental issues involved in P management. This article discusses potential regulatory action and offers options to help producers move toward compliance. Iowa has many water quality challenges. It may be helpful to take a step back from the science of water quality and review the politics of water quality. What are some potential regulations and what can producers do to be in compliance

    Airfoil Selection and Wingsail Design for an Autonomous Sailboat

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    Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 1092)Ocean exploration and monitoring with autonomous platforms can provide researchers and decision makers with valuable data, trends and insights into the largest ecosystem on Earth. Regardless of the recognition of the importance of such platforms in this scenario, their design and development remains an open challenge. In particular, energy efficiency, control and robustness are major concerns with implications in terms of autonomy and sustainability. Wingsails allow autonomous boats to navigate with increased autonomy, due to lower power consumption, and greater robustness, due to simpler control. Within the scope of a project that addresses the design, development and deployment of a rigid wing autonomous sailboat to perform long term missions in the ocean, this paper summarises the general principles for airfoil selection and wingsail design in robotic sailing, and are given some insights on how these aspects influence the autonomous sailboat being developed by the authors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Does family involvement in management reduce the risk of business failure? The moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation

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    This study explores the question of whether—and under which circumstances—family involvement helps avoid business failure. We hypothesize that it is family involvement in management, rather than ownership, which reduces the risk of failure during economic downturns; however, this effect is negatively affected by the firm’s entrepreneurial orientation (EO). We argue that EO hinders reaching consensuses on and commitment to family-centered goals, which are focused on long-term survival. We analyze 369 manufacturing firms in Spain from 2007 to 2013, and find that family involvement in management reduces the risk of business failure, but this effect decreases as EO increases

    Does Family Involvement in Management Reduce the Risk of Business Failure? The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation

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    This study explores the question of whether - and under which circumstances - family involvement helps avoid business failure. We hypothesize that it is family involvement in management, rather than ownership, which reduces the risk of failure during economic downturns; however, this effect is negatively affected by the firm's entrepreneurial orientation (EO). We argue that EO hinders reaching consensuses on and commitment to family-centered goals, which are focused on long-term survival. We analyze 369 manufacturing firms in Spain from 2007 to 2013, and find that family involvement in management reduces the risk of business failure, but this effect decreases as EO increases.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: This study has been partially supported by financial aid from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects ECO2012-36160, ECO2014-58799-R and ECO2015-67296-R) and from the Project S2015/HUM-3417 (cofinanced by the Communtiy of Madrid and European Social Fund)

    Disentangling bottom-up and top-down effects on survival during early ocean residence in a population of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

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    Abstract: We evaluated the relative importance of "bottom-up" (production-limited) and "top-down" (predator-mediated) processes during early marine residence in a population of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from the upper Columbia River, USA. We examined length, mass, and condition index of age-0 juveniles collected in the ocean during June and September across 11 years in relation to conditions in the river, estuary, and coastal ocean and to future adult returns. Characteristics of juveniles in September, but not June, were related to adult returns. During years when coastal waters were relatively cool and productive, juveniles captured in September displayed relatively low condition and reduced otolith growth compared with years when coastal waters were relatively warm and unproductive; this contrast indicates that top-down effects such as selective mortality or competition are important during early marine residence. Key physical (river plume volume during emigration) and biological (condition) variables and their interaction accounted for >95% of the variation in adult returns. Future research should focus on evaluating predators and competitors and understanding how river plume structure influences survival. RĂ©sumĂ© : Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© l'importance relative des processus ascendants (limitĂ©s par la production) et descendants (modulĂ©s par les prĂ©dateurs) au dĂ©but du sĂ©jour en mer dans une population de saumons quinnat (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) du cours supĂ©rieur du fleuve Columbia (États-Unis). Nous avons examinĂ© la longueur, la masse et l'indice d'embonpoint de juvĂ©niles de 0 an prĂ©levĂ©s en ocĂ©an durant les mois de juin et septembre pendant 11 ans, par rapport aux conditions dans le fleuve, l'estuaire et le littoral ocĂ©anique, ainsi qu'aux retours d'adultes subsĂ©quents. Les caractĂ©ristiques des juvĂ©niles en septembre, mais non en juin, Ă©taient reliĂ©es aux retours d'adultes. Durant les annĂ©es oĂč les eaux cĂŽtiĂšres Ă©taient relativement froides et productives, les juvĂ©niles capturĂ©s en septembre prĂ©sentaient des indices d'embonpoint et des taux de croissance des otolites relativement faibles par rapport Ă  ceux des juvĂ©niles capturĂ©s durant des annĂ©es d'eaux cĂŽtiĂšres relativement chaudes et non productives. Ces diffĂ©rences indiquent que des effets descendants tels qu'une mortalitĂ© sĂ©lective ou la concurrence sont importants au dĂ©but du sĂ©jour en mer. Des variables physiques (volume du panache fluvial durant l'Ă©migration) et biologiques (embonpoint) clĂ©s et leur interaction expliquaient >95 % de la variabilitĂ© des retours d'adultes. Les travaux de recherche futurs devraient se pencher sur l'Ă©valuation des prĂ©dateurs et des concurrents et la comprĂ©hension de l'influence de la structure du panache fluvial sur la survie. [Traduit par la RĂ©daction
